SAS Zombie Assault Wiki
SAS: Zombie Assault 4 Weapon
- Ronson 5X5 -
Ronson 5X5
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Manufacturer [?] Ronson
Ammo Cost [?] $$$ 80 for 100

$$$ 160 for 100 (Premium Ammo)

Damage/Pellet 125
Pierce 3
Pellets/shot [?] 5
Rate of Fire 6 rps
Capacity 50
Reload Time 2.6 sec
Movement -20%
Firing Mode Full-Auto
Weapon Class Shotgun
Damage Type PhysicalicoPhysical
Approx. Drop Level 61 [PREM] Version
Single DPS [?] 3,750
Pierce DPS [?] 11,250
Augmented DPS [?] 15,000
"The 5X5 is a shotgun from a discontinued line from Ronson. Each round contains 5 tungsten tetrahedra with more stopping power than most assault rifles. It was deemed too dangerous to control for most armed forces."
―Official Description

The Ronson 5X5 is a fully-automatic [PREM] Version shotgun in SAS: Zombie Assault 4 released by Ninja Kiwi as of the 26/11/2015 patch. It costs 120 NK coins/kreds or $11.99 USD. Ronson 5X5 appears in the store along with Vitriol and CM 000 Kelvin. It is essentially an upgrade to the Hard Thorn or Tempest.
